Maandag 08 April 2013

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Free Download Game Monopoly Spongebob Full Version (Mediafire)

Free Download Game Monopoly Spongebob Edition Full Version
System Requirements
* Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
* 800MHz or faster Processor
* 128MB RAM
* 32MB Video Card with DirectX 9.0 Support
* DirectX 9.0 or better

Kali ini game spongebob squarepants lagi, game yang satu ini bertema Monopoly, layaknya bermain monopoly biasa, akan tetapi desain dan grafis yang koyol ala tingkah spongebob dan kawan-kawan menghiasi game kali ini, dijamin akan senyum kalau main game ini ^,^
Screen Shoot

Cara Install
Extract File RAR yang telah Sobat Download.
Buka Folder hasil Extract tersebut dan Kemudian jalanakan File Setup InstallSpongeBobMonopoly.exe.Install Game Sampai Proses Selesai.
Jika Instalasi Selesai Silahkan Sobat Hapus Icon Spongebob Pada Desktop.
Selanjutnya Copy File MonopolySB.exe Yang Berada Didalam Folder Crack.
Taruh Atau Replace File Tersebut Pada Folder Yang Terletak Di:
C:\Program Files\\Monopoly SpongeBob SquarePants Edition\product.
Selanjutnya Klik Kanan File MonopolySB.exe Tersebut Dan Pilih Create Shortcut.
Terakhir Mainkan Game Lewat Desktop Icon.
Selamat Mencoba.
Link Mediafire
Spongebob Monopoly - Dowload

Lihat juga Artikel dari Anime Game

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Download Iron Man PC 2 Full Version

Download Iron Man 2 PC Free Full Version PC Game
Download PC Game Iron Man 2 PC Full PC Game Free
Download Full PC Game Iron Man 2 PC Full Version Free 

Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon
RAM: 128 MB RAM or higher (Windows Vista requires 2 GB RAM)
Hard Disk: 1.4 GB free disk space or more
Graphics: 32 MB or higher
DirectX: Version 9.0c

Depositfiles Download Link:

Depositfiles Download Link: PSP


Installation Notes:
1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the CSO image.
3. Use PSP Emulator to play on PC.
4. Play the game. 

Direct Download Iron Man 2 PC Download Setup File

Note: Install It Completely To Get Game Setup.exe

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Kode Cheat Lengkap + Trainer ARMY MEN RTS work 100%

Kode Cheat Lengkap + Trainer ARMY MEN RTS work 100%


Tekan ALT + BACKSPACE Lalu masukkan kode berikut :

  • zap me - 2000 electricity
  • fantastic plastic - 3000 plastic
  • ahoy captain dan - 1 set of paratroopers
  • color me stupid - Changes the color of all units
  • Punch Line - Doubles the Dump Trucks Capacity
  • Brain Sick - Makes the enemy stronger

JIka Tidak suka pake kode cheat sobat bisa pakai TRAINER ini :

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Template Blogger 3 Kolom

Template Blogger 3 Kolom

B1 adalah template yang di rancang khusus untuk blogspot dan menampilkan 3 kolom pada halaman depan. Template ini asalnya hanya 2 kolom dan saya jadikan 3 kolom karena masih banyak orang yang membutuhkannya, terbukti dari google adwords keyword tool.

Template Blogger 3 Kolom ini bisa anda download gratis / free untuk para blogger nusantara, dan tentunya lebih khusus lagi buat blogger indonesia, biar pada keren blognya. Pada halaman depan memang menampilkan 3 kolom, tapi jika membuka halaman page maka akan otomatis menjadi 2 kolom saja. Di bawah ini penampakan template blogger 3 kolom tersebut.

Fitur Template blogger 3 kolom ini sebagai berikut :
  • 3 kolom pada halaman depan
  • Breadcrumb
  • 2 kolom pada halaman page
  • 3 widget foter dibagian bawah
  • Menu di atas header
  • Read more otomatis
  • Meta tag Seo friendly
  • Kotak komentar yang simpel dan enak dilihat
  • Tidak terlalu banyak gambar sehingga akses blog tidak berat.
Template Blogger 3 Kolom ini juga bagus bagi anda yang sering memasang iklan pada widget blog. Misalkan saja google adsense atau mungkin adsense indonesia dll. Kalau sudah di pasang, link credit jangan dihapus yah. Pastinya sudah tahu kan cara mengganti template blogspot atau blogger ? ok deh langsung saja download template blogger 3 kolom - B1 dan terima kasih sudah membaca artikel ini. 
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[Release] Tools Market Land - Infinite Card

[Release] Tools Market Land - Infinite Card

Ga tau apa udah pernah di bahas soalnya ini game lama, tapi setelah saya pake search belum ada yang bahas game ini, ok langsung aja...

Tools :

1. Browser (untuk buka game pastinya)

2. cheatengine (

3. Cheat Table 

Cara :

1. Buka game

2. Buka cheatengine, lalu pilih proses : untuk firefox pilih plugin-container.exe, atau yang lainnya, silakan cari tutorial untuk pilih poses yang bener.

3. Buka cheat table, dengan cara klik tombol folder di cheatengine, lalu pilih marketland.CT yang kamu download.

4. Setelah cheat list tampak, kamu tinggal aktifin dengan cara centang [x] cheat yang kamu mau..

5. Usahakan cheat diaktifkan ketika game loading, atau didalam game tapi pastikan kamu tidak menggunakan card sebelum mengaktifkan cheat, kalo udah duluan menggunakan card, cheatnya ga jalan,.

Terima Kasih^^
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Cheat Pool Live Tour

Gambar Terposting
Disini ada yg main Game Pool Live Tour : http://apps.facebook...&ref=ts&fref=ts

Kalau ada saya kasih sedikit Tips / Triks.

*Hack Magnet
Maksudnya itu Bola-Bola di tarik sama ke 6 Lobang di meja.
jika begitu dengan bantuan Magnet lebih gampang kita masukin bolanya ke dalam lobang tersebut.
Langsung Tutorialnya Simak ok!
Buka Cheat Engine
Buka Facebook lalu Buka Game Pool Live Tour ( http://apps.facebook...&ref=ts&fref=ts )
Open Process (Mozilla=plugin-container.exe | Google Chrome=chrome.exe) atau barang kali FlashPlayer
4 Byte jadikan Double
Scan & Ganti yg dibawah ini

Scan : 0.900
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Pertama download dulu programnya ,Kemudian instal.silahkan kalian siapkan video yang kalian mau edit.

1.Klick "ADD MEDIA"SERET/DRAG video yang kalian ingin edit
2. Jika ingin menambah kan text PILIH "SUBTITLES"

3. Jika ingin menambah kan lagu (lihat gambar dibawah ini)
CATATAN:Pindahkan lagunya (DRAG)seperti gambar 1 pindahkan ke gambar 2
4. Edit Sesuka Anda
5. Jika sudah selesai mengedit Klik "Safe movie"
Sekian artikel dari saya,semoga bermanfaat......
terima kasih.

Download Software
Tunggu 5 Detik !!
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Cheat CSI : Crime Scene Investigation

Cheat CSI : Crime Scene Investigation

Halo Sobat
  sebenarnya ini game lama, tapi mungkin masih ada yang main..
maka saya share sedikit cit moga bermanfaat..

1.peralatan yang diperlukan
- web browser (ff,chrome, etc)
- cheatengine (

2.seperti biasa buka game nya terlebih dahulu, ketika selesai loading dan sampe di halaman pilihan 2 game csi
baru buka cheat engine, pilih proses plugin-container.exe (saya pake firefox), atau pilih chrome.exe, trus kamu klik
icon folder di cheatengine untuk memilih csicc.CT (saya asumsikan agan udah download file CT nya), maka akan muncul
dua cheat code, "Energi+" dan "XP+", sekarang aktifkan kedua cheat tersebut kalo agan mau, atau salah satunya.
Energi+ berguna untuk menambah jumlah energi yang di gunakan untuk searching (biasa berkurang, maka ini kebalikannya)
sedangkan XP+ ini berguna untuk menambah bonus XP,

3. setelah cheat nya di aktifkan, sekarang silahkan masuk kedalam game, dengan cara klik tombol resume di layar game. ok selamat mencoba.
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Reedem Code Car Town

Reedem Code Car Town

97FF-6916-1A87-7BFC Cuma Itu Yang Saya Tau \:D
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Cheat TP Ninja Saga 2013 | NEW

Cheat TP Ninja Saga 2013 | NEW

Bahan :

Fiddler ( Cari Di Mbah GOOGLE )

Tutorial :

1. Buka Facebook
2. Masuk Ke Ninja Saga
3. Buka Fiddler
4. Drag SWFnya Ke Fiddler
5. Clear Chace
6. Masuk Ke TP Mision

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Trainer Plant VS Zombies

Trainer Plant VS Zombies

Bosan main game kalah-kalah terus, Oke kali ini saya akan share cheat plants vs zombies yang dapat :

1. Memberikan Poin matahari tak terbatas

2. Memberikan $ 999,990 pada akun bank sobat
3. Tidak perlu menunggu slot tanaman untuk mengisi ulang
4. Tewaskan
zombies langsung sekali Hit

Screenshot :

Cara Mengunakannya :

1. Buka cheat
Plants vs Zombies

2. Setelah itu, tinggal buka game Plant vs Zombies

3. Kemudian Tekan Hotkey nya Seperti di bawah ini
  • Tekan F11 Untuk Meminimalkan Trainer
  • Tekan F12 Untuk Mematikan Nada pada cheat Plants vs Zombies tadi.
  • Tekan F1 Untuk Sun/Matahari Tidak Terbatas
  • Tekan F2 Untuk Uang Tidak Terbatas
  • Tekan F3 Untuk Slot Tanpa Recarge Lagi, jadi tanpa menunggu lagi loading slotnya tinggal sobat klik
  • Tekan F4 Untuk One Hit Kill Zombies - Sekali tembak zombie langsung mati
Untuk Yang belum punya Game nya Klik disini
Download Cheat Game Plants vs Zombies
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Cheat Cue 8 Pool

Cheat Cue 8 Pool

Untung-Untungan ane share :v . jadi , hormati saya yg telah nge ngehsare .

Bahan :

CE ( cri di google )

Tutorial :

• Buka CE
• Buka 8 Ball Pool
• Open Process Kalo Saya Pake Mozila Jadi di Plugin Container
• Ke Shop & Pastikan London Cue ga di Pake/Use
• Balik ke Lobby Game
• Scan " 1044 "
• Tarik semua Address kebawah
• Ganti Value jadi " 119 "
• Ke Shop & Use Millionare
• Mainkan 1 Game
• Kalo udah selesai, Refresh 8 Ball Pool
• Enjoy!

Code Stick :
Code ="89" Nama Cue="Twisted candy cue"
Code ="91" Nama Cue ="cow hide cue"
Code ="93" Nama Cue ="Matte black cue"
Code ="95" Nama Cue ="Classic Cue!"
Code ="97" Nama Cue ="Skull cue"
Code ="99" Nama Cue ="Neon cue"
Code ="101" Nama Cue ="Tiger cue"
Code ="103" Nama Cue ="Steampunk cue"
Code ="105" Nama Cue ="Icue"
Code ="111" Nama Cue ="Crystal cue!"
Code ="113" Nama Cue ="Flame cue"
Code ="115" Nama Cue ="Camouflage cue"
Code ="117" Nama Cue ="Snake Skin cue!"
Code ="119" Nama Cue ="The Millionaire"
Code ="129" Nama Cue =" Australia cue"
Code ="131" Nama Cue =" Canada cue"
Code ="133" Nama Cue =" Germany cue"
Code ="135" Nama Cue =" UK cue"
Code ="137" Nama Cue =" USA cue"
Code ="138" Nama Cue ="Ninja cue"
Code ="140" Nama Cue ="The Pharaoh"
Code ="142" Nama Cue =" Halloween cue"
Code ="221" Nama Cue ="XMas cue"
Code ="431" Nama Cue ="Indonesia cue"
Code ="157" Nama Cue ="Zombie cue"
Code ="1020" Nama Cue =" Russia!"
Code ="1022" Nama Cue ="Royal Blue"
Code ="1024" Nama Cue ="Digitized"
Code ="1026" Nama Cue ="Blue Hope"
Code ="1028" Nama Cue ="Binder!"
Code ="1030" Nama Cue ="Norseman"
Code ="1032" Nama Cue ="Barbaric"
Code ="1034" Nama Cue ="Elven "
Code ="1036" Nama Cue ="Platinum Viper "
Code ="1038" Nama Cue ="Jester"
Code ="1040" Nama Cue ="Czar"
Code ="1042" Nama Cue ="Potter"
Code ="1044" Nama Cue ="London"
Code ="1098" Nama Cue ="My turn to triumph" (hidden cue)
Code ="1092" Nama Cue ="Blimey!" (hidden cue)
Code ="1094" Nama Cue ="Most honorable" (hidden cue)
Code ="1122" Nama Cue ="Majestic"
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Grand Theft Auto Vice City Free Download

Grand Theft Auto Vice City Free Download

Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Vice City Stories is a video game fun. If you do not have a Sony PSP and you are a fan of Grand Theft Auto Series, you MIGHT want to pick up a PSP to play this game. Vice City Stories is an extension of the 2002 game Grand Theft Auto Vice City hits. The game lasted two years BEFORE the original Vice City with a different main character. This time you'll play as Victor Vance. Vance is a Military man, frustrated with his career looking to make a little extra money. Strangely the boss Martinez who Hooks him into making a little cash on the side through crime.

If you play and enjoy Grand Theft Auto Vice City, you have to love this game. Afterall, there's no place like home. Map is not identical with the first game but very similar. Some of the businesses you remember from the PS2 game has not been built but there are many new business and a slightly different way in some areas. There is also more time spent on the Military base near the airport, as your first save house is Vic's Barracks on base. For this game you start out on what is known as the second island. When driving along you hear the familiar message about the bridge closed. Road blocks block access to other islands, but you can access the Starfish Island from the beginning of the game.
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Free Download

Grand Theft Auto Vice City Free Download
Minimum System Requirements:
800 MHz Intel Pentium III or 800 MHz AMD Athlon or 1.2GHz Intel Celeron or 1.2 GHz AMD Duron processor
128 MB of RAM
8 speed CD / DVD drive
915 MB of free hard disk space
(+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression)
32 MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers ("GeForce" or better)
Sound Card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers Keyboard & Mouse

Recommended System Requirements
Intel Pentium IV / AMD Athlon XP processor 256(+) MB of RAM
16 speed CD / DVD drive
1.55 GB of free hard disk space
(+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression)
64(+) MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers ("GeForce 3" / "Radeon 8500" or better with DirectX Texture Compression support)
DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card with surround sound
Gamepad (USB or Joystick Port)
Keyboard & Mouse
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Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos Full Version Free Download

Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
After the release of Reign of Chaos and after the release of Frozen Throne expansion, Warcraft III is still a very popular and an important jumping off point for what could possibly be one of the most famous (and profitable)games at the latest. Blizzard World of Warcraft.

Warcraft III
and its expansion are real-time strategy, and some would argue, one of the best in thismennessä.Pelaaja can use a number of units and their combinations to defeat the enemy, often wiping them off the map. Blizzard has four of competition you play what became part of World of Warcraft (Humans, Orcs,Night Elves and Undead). The game itself is very smooth controls and keyboard shortcuts are often veryobvious. Gaining skill and a bit of time is very helppoa.
Kampanja for example, gives one unit at a time, tasks, presentation of the strengths and weaknesses of each separately, so that you can combine them, that when you feel tarvetta.Avain behind the Warcraft III has a variety of units in each race and the natural that the strategy will bring to the table everyone who can apply for any style of gameplay. Blizzard was a very careful design and playability of each race that looks like the player, such as the nearly 4 different games at the same time control
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
Proceedings game Warcraft III Reign of Chaos is basically no different from other RTS games. Players control the base consisting of various buildings. Some buildings can then be used to produce a unit of workers and soldiers. Buildings owned by each race has a different name and appearance, but the function of each building is essentially the same even though others may have unique functions that are not owned the building from other careers. Players can also make a similar defense tower built to help protect his base.

There are two main sources of me in the game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: gold and wood. Gold is needed to make buildings and units, while the wood needed to make buildings and units developed. Obtained by the gold mining sector in a lump like building known as the "Gold Mine" with the unit staff. Wood itself is obtained by cutting the plants found in almost every corner of the map game. Gold in small quantities can also be obtained by killing enemies or sell units that can only be used by the Hero. Other resource requirements, but are not classified as a mine to eat (food), which shows the player population. Food obtained by creating a city center building or other buildings that operate more or less like the cheap. Human example, can be added to food by promoting farm buildings and / or the Town Hall. Limiting foods with Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is 90.

The latest addition to the game Warcraft III Reign Chaos is not present in the past Warcraft games is the presence of two new race played: Undead and Night Elf and Human races complete orc available. As the name of the race. Orc is a race of giants and monsters are rebellious. Undead people dead and demons, while the night elves Elves and creatures magical night forest guards. Their people have different strengths and uniqueness of the other races so that the use of certain races also require specific tactics to win. To maintain a balance between career, as a developer Blizzard Entertainment released Warcraft patch (the latest version for video games) between the time required and can be downloaded at the official site.
Additional another for this game is a single unit called Hero. The uniqueness of the hero than the other units is that they have the capacity to be increased by increasing the level up to a maximum 10. Level can be increased by killing enemy units and all levels will increase, Hero can get new skills to add a sense of RPG games. Hero can kill, but he can be raised to the altar. Hero of the maximum amount that can be done is the third in which every city building age, players have access to create a new hero.

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos also features a giant wild-called "creep". Wild monsters and a variety of different strengths. Having a monster that can kill only a small number of hosts, but also has a strong unit and even immune to magic. They are found throughout the region on the map and they are usually more powerful, which maintains an increasingly important location for the players. If killed, they drop a small amount of gold to players as well as experience points required for the Hero to improve. Some wild animals that kill also dropped item that provides additional status or special skills that can only be used by the Hero and also can be sold for gold.
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
 Warcraft III: The Reign of Chaos also provides the ability for players to play together in the same Games, better known as the plural. Multiplayer can be done via LAN or via Internet connection. Who would want to play multi-player connections via LAN must first create an account name, then create a special room to play with other players or enter into any space AS. Play through the internet connection itself is not fundamentally different from playing through LAN connection. The Warcraft developer Blizzard Entertainment to provide a special server to play on the internet (online) named Play with the main difference over a LAN is the player must create a account to the relevant site before it is the main Start on
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos

Plot in Warcraft III: reign chaos can only be found on the menu CAMPAIGN (Contest to shorten the trial or hearing of the mission) in single player mode (single game). There are four different campaigns where each race has its own CAMPAIGN (except for orc race CAMPAIGN on Latest tutorial for beginners). If a player has completed the CAMPAIGN race, so players can continue to the next race to sequence the Human campaign, Undead, Orc and Night Elf as the last campaign.

The story of Warcraft III: Reign chaos begins when a village among the people of Lordaeron American man attacked by orc hordes. Prince Arthas of Lordaeron prince was sent to meet the problems of Jaina Proudmoore magicians and senior commanders, Uther Lightbringer. Then successfully drove Arthas orc horde and let the villagers, Arthas Start new oddities feel like an attack from creatures such as witches and the emergence of Lordaeron mystery epidemic. The others, Arthas Start aware that there is a devil called Mal'ganis want to take advantage of people's humanity (Human) as a soldier to his people.

Success finally defeat Arthas Mal'ganis through a tough battle, but Mal'ganis successfully fled to the North Pole so that Arthas decided to pursue. In the Arctic, Arthas accidentally meet someone named Muradin located at the North Pole to find the magic sword called Frostmourne. Arthas obsessed with defeating any attempt to get the Frostmourne Muradin Jason Mal'ganis should lead to death. Finally successful in killing Arthas in Frostmourne sword Mal'ganis help, but without knowing the sword also affected his mind. When he came to the Palace of Lordaeron, Arthas has mastered the sword to kill his own father so that the Government of Lordaeron hit by recession.

The recent Arthas fortune by his own father and then meet other demon named Tichondrius say that Arthas was successfully carried out his first mission as part of the Undead race. Arthas then ordered to destroy the settlements of High Elf and Wells claim to extend the powers of magic and restore Kel'Thuzad undead, the undead priests were killed. By Kel'Thuzad, Arthas know that the punishment of Lordaeron is part of the plan known as the Burning Legion representative to enter the spirit world to help the physician named Dịch King. Kel'Thuzad also chapter that he "chose" the King Dịch as a person believed by the Frostmourne sword. Arthas and Kel'Thuzad and direct explanation to open the door between dimensions to grab my book Magic Dalaran, Lordaeron Government last basis. They were eventually successful summons Archimonde, leader, and the strength of the army is burning, Archimonde destroyed the remnants of Lordaeron Government.

At the same time rejoice, enslave, orc race supreme leader, decided to withdraw from the race from the lands of Lordaeron after a meeting with a mystery man called the Prophet (trained in Ramal). Along the way, density-density that they are exposed to the storm, so the group separated by a waiting Hellsceam Grom, his brother, and eventually stranded in Kalimdor, the land is still virgin. In Kalimdor, the group might meet enslave humanity called Tauren males who later became their friend. Finally meet the group serve a group of Grom Hellscream is involved in a small war in the country who also fled to Kalimdor after the fall of Lordaeron. Grom wait no longer interfere with the person who tells people, but ignore that serve to punish Grom Grom collect wood to set up headquarters.

Grom then reduce the huge amount of trees that partially divest the forest. The Grom vice Deforesting make Cenarius - Lord forest guards Kalimdor - Grom angry that he attacked the army. The Grom Army Air Force search and drink from a wish to defeat Cenarius, but the fact convicted by the power of Satan. At the same time, the forces that helped Tauren successfully refused to serve humanity, but all of a sudden the Prophet came back and said they need one to burn the army was glad Kalimdor. Human Orc and finally decided to work the military is controlled Grom devil before he successfully save Grom. Grom that he was in last fall after the success that killed Mannoroth, Satan is angry with him and the country before the other orc.

At the same time, one of the great leader of a Night Elf named Tyrande country awakened from hibernation whisperwind long and understands that there are foreigners who come to Kalimdor. Fear that they will only lead to chaos-Hara, Tyrande and Malfurion - Night Elf priest the highest - race war by telling them to duck Night small triangle with a powerful army burn (Undead) and Affiliate orc-Man. Outside of duck, freeing Illidan Tyrande - brother Malfurion imprisoned for alleged treason - to help the Night Elves. Successful later released by the Illidan kill Tichondrius, one General Burning army, but at the same time he was tempted by Jason Tichondrius power and then use that power itself. Malfurion Illidan eventually dismissed because his new powers Dianggap Dangerous Night Elf race

System Requirements 
600 MHz processor
256 MB of RAM
32 MB 3D video card
DirectX® 8.1 compatible sound card

Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
After the release of Reign of Chaos and after the release of Frozen Throne expansion, Warcraft III is still a very popular and an important jumping off point for what could possibly be one of the most famous (and profitable)games at the latest. Blizzard World of Warcraft.

Warcraft III
and its expansion are real-time strategy, and some would argue, one of the best in thismennessä.Pelaaja can use a number of units and their combinations to defeat the enemy, often wiping them off the map. Blizzard has four of competition you play what became part of World of Warcraft (Humans, Orcs,Night Elves and Undead). The game itself is very smooth controls and keyboard shortcuts are often veryobvious. Gaining skill and a bit of time is very helppoa.
Kampanja for example, gives one unit at a time, tasks, presentation of the strengths and weaknesses of each separately, so that you can combine them, that when you feel tarvetta.Avain behind the Warcraft III has a variety of units in each race and the natural that the strategy will bring to the table everyone who can apply for any style of gameplay. Blizzard was a very careful design and playability of each race that looks like the player, such as the nearly 4 different games at the same time control
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
Proceedings game Warcraft III Reign of Chaos is basically no different from other RTS games. Players control the base consisting of various buildings. Some buildings can then be used to produce a unit of workers and soldiers. Buildings owned by each race has a different name and appearance, but the function of each building is essentially the same even though others may have unique functions that are not owned the building from other careers. Players can also make a similar defense tower built to help protect his base.

There are two main sources of me in the game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: gold and wood. Gold is needed to make buildings and units, while the wood needed to make buildings and units developed. Obtained by the gold mining sector in a lump like building known as the "Gold Mine" with the unit staff. Wood itself is obtained by cutting the plants found in almost every corner of the map game. Gold in small quantities can also be obtained by killing enemies or sell units that can only be used by the Hero. Other resource requirements, but are not classified as a mine to eat (food), which shows the player population. Food obtained by creating a city center building or other buildings that operate more or less like the cheap. Human example, can be added to food by promoting farm buildings and / or the Town Hall. Limiting foods with Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is 90.

The latest addition to the game Warcraft III Reign Chaos is not present in the past Warcraft games is the presence of two new race played: Undead and Night Elf and Human races complete orc available. As the name of the race. Orc is a race of giants and monsters are rebellious. Undead people dead and demons, while the night elves Elves and creatures magical night forest guards. Their people have different strengths and uniqueness of the other races so that the use of certain races also require specific tactics to win. To maintain a balance between career, as a developer Blizzard Entertainment released Warcraft patch (the latest version for video games) between the time required and can be downloaded at the official site.
Additional another for this game is a single unit called Hero. The uniqueness of the hero than the other units is that they have the capacity to be increased by increasing the level up to a maximum 10. Level can be increased by killing enemy units and all levels will increase, Hero can get new skills to add a sense of RPG games. Hero can kill, but he can be raised to the altar. Hero of the maximum amount that can be done is the third in which every city building age, players have access to create a new hero.

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos also features a giant wild-called "creep". Wild monsters and a variety of different strengths. Having a monster that can kill only a small number of hosts, but also has a strong unit and even immune to magic. They are found throughout the region on the map and they are usually more powerful, which maintains an increasingly important location for the players. If killed, they drop a small amount of gold to players as well as experience points required for the Hero to improve. Some wild animals that kill also dropped item that provides additional status or special skills that can only be used by the Hero and also can be sold for gold.
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos
 Warcraft III: The Reign of Chaos also provides the ability for players to play together in the same Games, better known as the plural. Multiplayer can be done via LAN or via Internet connection. Who would want to play multi-player connections via LAN must first create an account name, then create a special room to play with other players or enter into any space AS. Play through the internet connection itself is not fundamentally different from playing through LAN connection. The Warcraft developer Blizzard Entertainment to provide a special server to play on the internet (online) named Play with the main difference over a LAN is the player must create a account to the relevant site before it is the main Start on
Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos

Plot in Warcraft III: reign chaos can only be found on the menu CAMPAIGN (Contest to shorten the trial or hearing of the mission) in single player mode (single game). There are four different campaigns where each race has its own CAMPAIGN (except for orc race CAMPAIGN on Latest tutorial for beginners). If a player has completed the CAMPAIGN race, so players can continue to the next race to sequence the Human campaign, Undead, Orc and Night Elf as the last campaign.

The story of Warcraft III: Reign chaos begins when a village among the people of Lordaeron American man attacked by orc hordes. Prince Arthas of Lordaeron prince was sent to meet the problems of Jaina Proudmoore magicians and senior commanders, Uther Lightbringer. Then successfully drove Arthas orc horde and let the villagers, Arthas Start new oddities feel like an attack from creatures such as witches and the emergence of Lordaeron mystery epidemic. The others, Arthas Start aware that there is a devil called Mal'ganis want to take advantage of people's humanity (Human) as a soldier to his people.

Success finally defeat Arthas Mal'ganis through a tough battle, but Mal'ganis successfully fled to the North Pole so that Arthas decided to pursue. In the Arctic, Arthas accidentally meet someone named Muradin located at the North Pole to find the magic sword called Frostmourne. Arthas obsessed with defeating any attempt to get the Frostmourne Muradin Jason Mal'ganis should lead to death. Finally successful in killing Arthas in Frostmourne sword Mal'ganis help, but without knowing the sword also affected his mind. When he came to the Palace of Lordaeron, Arthas has mastered the sword to kill his own father so that the Government of Lordaeron hit by recession.

The recent Arthas fortune by his own father and then meet other demon named Tichondrius say that Arthas was successfully carried out his first mission as part of the Undead race. Arthas then ordered to destroy the settlements of High Elf and Wells claim to extend the powers of magic and restore Kel'Thuzad undead, the undead priests were killed. By Kel'Thuzad, Arthas know that the punishment of Lordaeron is part of the plan known as the Burning Legion representative to enter the spirit world to help the physician named Dịch King. Kel'Thuzad also chapter that he "chose" the King Dịch as a person believed by the Frostmourne sword. Arthas and Kel'Thuzad and direct explanation to open the door between dimensions to grab my book Magic Dalaran, Lordaeron Government last basis. They were eventually successful summons Archimonde, leader, and the strength of the army is burning, Archimonde destroyed the remnants of Lordaeron Government.

At the same time rejoice, enslave, orc race supreme leader, decided to withdraw from the race from the lands of Lordaeron after a meeting with a mystery man called the Prophet (trained in Ramal). Along the way, density-density that they are exposed to the storm, so the group separated by a waiting Hellsceam Grom, his brother, and eventually stranded in Kalimdor, the land is still virgin. In Kalimdor, the group might meet enslave humanity called Tauren males who later became their friend. Finally meet the group serve a group of Grom Hellscream is involved in a small war in the country who also fled to Kalimdor after the fall of Lordaeron. Grom wait no longer interfere with the person who tells people, but ignore that serve to punish Grom Grom collect wood to set up headquarters.

Grom then reduce the huge amount of trees that partially divest the forest. The Grom vice Deforesting make Cenarius - Lord forest guards Kalimdor - Grom angry that he attacked the army. The Grom Army Air Force search and drink from a wish to defeat Cenarius, but the fact convicted by the power of Satan. At the same time, the forces that helped Tauren successfully refused to serve humanity, but all of a sudden the Prophet came back and said they need one to burn the army was glad Kalimdor. Human Orc and finally decided to work the military is controlled Grom devil before he successfully save Grom. Grom that he was in last fall after the success that killed Mannoroth, Satan is angry with him and the country before the other orc.

At the same time, one of the great leader of a Night Elf named Tyrande country awakened from hibernation whisperwind long and understands that there are foreigners who come to Kalimdor. Fear that they will only lead to chaos-Hara, Tyrande and Malfurion - Night Elf priest the highest - race war by telling them to duck Night small triangle with a powerful army burn (Undead) and Affiliate orc-Man. Outside of duck, freeing Illidan Tyrande - brother Malfurion imprisoned for alleged treason - to help the Night Elves. Successful later released by the Illidan kill Tichondrius, one General Burning army, but at the same time he was tempted by Jason Tichondrius power and then use that power itself. Malfurion Illidan eventually dismissed because his new powers Dianggap Dangerous Night Elf race

System Requirements 
600 MHz processor
256 MB of RAM
32 MB 3D video card
DirectX® 8.1 compatible sound card

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